A vegan friendly substitute for soysauce that is gluten-free and GMO-free. Made in Carmona, Cavite, this contains coconut nectar and sea salt that helps balance the body's electrolytes. INGREDIENTS Contains...
Upsize your cooking and baking with this virgin coconut oil that's made from 100% pure virgin coconut oil. Made from Tayabas, Quezon that is cold-pressed without any heat in the...
Miagao’s budbud is the most unique and very traditional. The salt is made on bamboo nodes. Several bamboo nodes are split lengthwise and set horizontally on posts about a meter from the...
Tultul locally known as dukduk, is an artisanal salt that is unique to the province of Guimaras. It is made with the coconut milk which gives savory and healthy taste...